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Adding distributors and food supply invoices

Distributors connection types:

The type of connections are identified by the small cloud located to the right of their names.

Adding a food distributor

Go to Location > Distributors;
Press the add button ( + );
Select the distributor you want to add;
Enter your account number (for this location)* then press Save;
The newly added distributor is now on the list and available for adding invoices;

Connected distributor (fully automatic injection)

Some food distributors benefit from a direct connection with RESTOCK. This connection enables live injection of your invoices as well as the automatic updating of your product directory and your theoretical inventory without any intervention.

As soon as your account is created with a connected food distributor, a request is sent to inject your purchase history for the last 3 to 12 months.
Subsequently, your current invoices will be injected via a direct gateway with this distributor. Your product directory and theoretical quantities will be updated automatically.

Connecting your SAQ account

This procedure identifies the steps to be taken by a license holder to authorize a software vendor to access their SAQ billing information.

View procedure - (available in french only)

Partially connected distributor (software decoding of PDF invoices)

Partially connected distributors require your invoices to be sent by email (PDF files). You can ask these distributors to send us a copy of your invoices to the following email address: If the files are compliant, our software will be able to decode the content and inject your purchases into your RESTOCK account (much like the direct connection would do). Processing time (normally 12-24 hours) is expected before your products/purchases appear in the dashboard. It is also possible to submit your PDF files manually via the interface provided (Purchasing > Invoices).

Important: Invoices must be valid PDF files. Automated software analysis requires text data to be selectable. Scanned or pictured invoices exported to PDF will not be processed.

Unlisted distributor

It is also possible to add a distributor that is not listed by first performing a search (to ensure that it does not already exist), then clicking on "+ NEW DISTRIBUTOR". Then, simply fill and save the form to make it available for adding invoices manually.


What does the “Please check” warning mean?

This warning simply indicates that we have not received any invoices for a while. If it's normal you don't need to do anything. Otherwise you might want to make sure everything is in order with this distributor.

Updated on: 03/12/2024

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