Configuration Settings
This section is subdivided into 3 tabs:
Categories and Formats
General Settings
1. Users
The Users tab allows you to manage your user accounts as well as each person's access and permissions.
See Adding Users
2. Categories and Formats
This tab allows the creation, management and translation of the following concepts:
Main Category Types (e.g. Food, Alcohol, Beverage, Others, etc.) andt Categories (e.g. Meats, Fruits and Vegetables, Drinks etc.) which will be used, among other things, to categorize your sales, products, recipes and reports.
Control points (which you can add to your products, recipes and preparation steps).
Food loss categories
3. General Settings
The General Settings tab allows you to:
Add Service Periods:
These periods can be used to create a Service Calendar (see Location Settings):
Enable transfers between locations (if applicable).
Enable languages for content translation (if applicable).
Updated on: 08/02/2024
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